Spontaneous Poem and Metaphor Poem

Creative Writing Genres for the Gloucester Project 2011
(On Monday June 13, 2011 you will pass in two poems.)

1. Spontaneous Poem

To activate your subconscious mind, do the following:
· Free write about your topic for five minutes. (This is stream of consciousness writing.)
· Pick ten vivid, interesting, revealing words from your stream of consciousness free-write.
· In five minutes write a ten-line poem in which each line contains at least one of the ten words and in which each of the ten words is used at least once.
· Make a title using a phrase from your stream of consciousness free-write.
· The point of this poem is to emphasize spontaneity, whimsy, seeming randomness, linguistic daring, absurdity, surreality, etc.

2. Metaphor Poem

· Start with your topic. Brainstorm aspects of the topic (for example, Fitz Henry Lane=schooners, house atop Harbor Loop, oil paint, crutches, apple-peru, etc.) as well as feelings and concepts associated with the topic (for example, Fitz Henry Lane=luminism, beauty, realism, observation, etc.)
· Then create metaphors for items in either list. (From the F.H. Lane list of concepts: Luminism is a painting with a light bulb inside. Or, a bit more vivid: The sky in the painting swallowed a light bulb. From the F.H. Lane list of objects: Crutches are legs Lane shed to sit and paint.
· String the metaphors together. Edit them. Revise them. Expand them. Contract them. Use your ear, your mind’s eye, and your sense of the language of images to guide your revision.
· Your poem should include at least ten metaphors and should be at least ten lines long.